Västerås Radio Club is one of Sweden’s largest radio clubs. The club was founded on 2 March 1943 and we are celebrating 80 years during 2023.
Västerås Radioklubb is a non-profit / non-commercial association for all radio enthusiasts located in Västerås and surroundings. We want to bring together people who are interested in amateur radio and radio technology.
We have common resources such as repeater, premises equipped with modern HF and VHF/UHF station and we organize activities such as radio orienteering – ARDF, field days, radio tests, study visits, lectures and other activitys.
If you are a visitor in Västerås and have your VHF/UHF with you please find info about our repeaters here.
A news bulletin (in swedish) is read over repeater SK5RHQ on 145.775 Mhz every Sunday evening at 19:00. Monthly meetings is 2nd Thursday of each month except July and, where applicable, August. Open house on some thursdays is advertised via e-mail and eQRZ to all members.
Club Callsign: SK5AA
Number of members: Around 80.
Club premises: Flottiljgatan 61, 721 31 Västerås.
Foreign radio amateurs with a CEPT license (T/R 61-01) can operate amateur radio in Sweden without a special permit for a stay of up to three months. Holders of other types of licenses (e.g. Novice, Intermediate or similar) are not permitted to operate in Sweden. The temporary call sign to be used is SM/your call or SA/your call. You have the option to add the call area number, indicating the geographical position of the station, e.g. SM5/your call.
Further reading here.